Ten Tips To Protect Your Feet And Legs If You Have Diabetes

How does diabetes affect your feet and legs? For those managing diabetes, you may encounter problems with your feet and legs, two common complications of the disease. Diabetes puts you at a much higher risk for calluses, corns, bunions, blisters, and ulcers. High blood sugar means these minor injuries and…

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How Nutrition Affects Your Feet

Can nutrition play a role in the development and treatment of foot conditions? Our diet is important for our overall health, and we often relate nutrition and health to weight management or heart health, but what we eat can also affect our foot health as well. Making healthy choices in…

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Reducing The Destructive Effects Of Stress

What is stress? Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension, and it is the body’s response to a challenge or demand. The stress response can include physical components such as elevated heart rate and blood pressure, thoughts, and personal beliefs about the stressful event, and emotions like fear…

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ONYFIX, The Painless Treatment For Ingrown Toenails

Head to toe Health is proud to announce the addition of a new service. The Onyfix nail correction system is a versatile and innovative product that enables completely painless treatment of all forms of involuted and ingrown toenails. The application of the nail correction system encourages proper nail growth in…

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